BOGUMILI kao inspiracija (englesko - bosanski)

sevko kadric, bogumili kao inspiracija, bogomils as inspiracion



Sa znamenjem Kneza Nenca, Velikog Kneza Bosanskog, a postavi je sin njegov Knez Muven, s' Božijom pomoćju i svojih vjernih, a s' inonom nijednom inom pomoćju, nego on sam.

Ti koji pročitaš moj kam, možda si hodio do zvijezda. I vartio se, jer tami nema ništa do ponovo ti sam.

Človjek možje vidjeti ono tšto nije vidio, tčuti ono tšto nije tčuo, okustiti ono tšto nije otkusio, biti tami gdi nije bio, al uvijek i svagdi, samo sebe može najti ili ne najti.

I mnogo od moje ruke na zemlji bi, a ni ot mene niko ne bi mrtav i ubit. I da ostavih kosti u tujini, samo bi Bosnu sanjo.

Človječe, tako da nisi proklet, ne tikaj u me.

Legoh 1094 ljeta, kad bješe suša, pa u nebu ne bješe nijedne suze za me.

Ravanjska Vrata, Kupres






This is monument for Duke Nenc, The Great Duke of Bosnia, erected by his son Duke Muven, with the help of God end those lozal without any foreign help.


You, the one who will read my stone, you may have walked to the stars. And you came back because there is nothing there other then yourself.


Man can see what he has never seen, hear what he has never heard, taste what he has never tasted, be where he has never been before, but always and everywhere he can either find himself on not.


Much has happened in this world from my hand but nobody ever died or was killed because of me.


Would I have left my bones in a foreign land, even then I would be deaming about Bosnia.


Man, in order not to be demned, don`t touch me.


I come to rest here in the summer of 1094,

during the drought, so there was not a single tear for me in the sky.


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